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Below FAQ are some common concerns of our clients before purchasing. If you have other questions, please just email us at

Pre Sale Questions


We pride ourselves on customer service and a quality product… but every now and then a bad apple makes it through. If your Golden Gate Grinders Spice Grinder isn’t working the way you expect it to, send us a message on the Contact Us form with the Order # and date of order. We’ll take care of you whether it is instructing you on how to re-engineer the unit or sending out a replacement. Whichever you prefer.

How do I buy my Golden Gate Grinder?

Buy the grinders on this website If the product isn’t available, then we’re afraid that supply is larger than demand. Check back periodically and we promise you won’t be disappointed! Also, Planet Pegasus is the only authorized reseller. That’s us, or at least our parent company. Not to imply we are children… was told by legal to cut this conversation short. Thanks for your patronage!

How do I return my product?

Wait… you no longer want to continue this relationship? We feel so… empty. When your chamber no longer has spices, it can no longer bring happiness. Proven fact. Anyways, feel free to Contact Us if there’s anything we can do to get back together (we have a lifetime warranty…).

Technical Questions

Maintaining your Spice Grinder

There are a few methods that can be used to keep your favorite spice tool lookin’ shiny and new.  The method used depends on what you have been grinding and what you want to extract from the grinder pieces.  Keep in mind that you will want to set the pollen catcher aside if you’ve been collecting pollen in it.


For general disinfecting, first time use and light maintenance:

  1. Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and clean around the sides of the different pieces and around the teeth. The alcohol acts as a solvent and will loosen and remove any grime or residue.
  2. As the resin loosens you can also use the scraping tool or toothpick to remove the grime. Repeat this process until the grinder is clean.
  3. When you are done rinse the grinder well in warm water and dry thoroughly.

TIP: This is the preferred method and will keep your grinder lookin’ shiny and new. 


For the worst buildups of sticky spices on your grinder:

  1. Take the grinder apart and place the individual pieces in the freezer. Try to get those pieces as cold as possible by placing frozen items on top of the pieces, such as a bag of frozen peas).
  2. Leave the grinder in the freezer for a couple of hours.
  3. Once frozen, remove the pieces from the freezer.
  4. Last, take each piece and bang the pieces against a hard non-abrasive surface. If there’s anything left, use the scraping tool or a toothpick to extract it.

TIP: This method is good if you want to use the spices you extract from your grinder.

Before use

While we do our best to send you the highest quality product there is always the potential of left behind residue from when your grinder was forged by the CNC presses at Mount Doom. For best results please perform the alcohol method of maintenance before use; these methods are detailed in the “Maintaining Your Grinder” FAQ post. Thanks for your co-operation.

How do you grind spices?

You can grind spices using an electric spice grinder, blender, food processor, or coffee grinder. Additionally, there are numerous manual ways to grind spices by hand. Among these techniques are the use of a mortar and pestle, rasp grater, and even a rolling pin. Consider the materials you have on hand, the type and size of the spice you're working with, the number of spices you need ground, and the desired consistency when selecting your process.

Grinder Modularity (or how I learned to love a smaller grinder)

Place your grinder in front of you. Now very slowly (or very quickly) deconstruct the grinder in a similar fashion to the one you see to the right. Believe it or not (we choose to believe), the chamber w/pollen screen is not a required component. By removing the chamber, you lose your ability to separately collect pollen as well as a fair bit of capacity… but the grinder becomes much smaller. This trick is great for when you want to take your grinder on the run!

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