How to Clean Grinder Screen San Francisco

One of the primary tools for users of cannabis is a weed grinder. Many different types of weed grinders are available in the market, and the most popular among them are those made of metal. One such option available to people in San Francisco is a metal weed grinder from Golden Gate Grinders. These grinders come with teeth to grind the weed and a sieve to filter the herb from the rest of the plat matters. With the help of the grinder screen, the material is collected in a separate chamber after it has been ground.

You might already know that resin from the weed is very sticky. It can get accumulated over time, and it can jam your weed grinder. To get rid of the dirt and the resin, you must clean the weed grinder regularly. One of the important parts of cleaning the grinder is also cleaning the grinder screen. It is tough to clean the grinder screens if the screen is not removable, but fortunately, the options available from Golden Gate Grinders have a removable screen. Today, we will tell you How To Clean the Grinder Screen San Francisco efficiently.

Cleaning Grinder Screen

To clean the grinder screen, you need to remove to separate various sections of the grinder. You can now keep it in the freezer for approximately 15 minutes. Since resins are mostly fat matter, they will freeze and solidify in the freeze. You can now smack the grinder screen on a hard surface, and most of the material will come off. This is the easiest and most efficient way to clean the grinder screen. You may still notice some residue on the filter, and you can also follow the second method to clean the grinder.

Deep Cleaning Grinder Screen

If you want your grinder screen to look new, there is another way to clean it. To clean the grinder screen, you will need rubbing alcohol. It is available in the market easily. You need to soak the grinder screen in rubbing alcohol, which will loosen the bits attached to the weed grinder. You need to soak the screen overnight for the method to be effective. Next morning, you can wash the grinder with hot water. This will melt the resin, and it will clean the screen. You can use a brush to exfoliate the screen and get a better result. Now, lose the left screen open and let it dry. With this method, your weed grinder will look like new.


Both of them are easy-to-follow methods to clean the weed grinder screen. If your weed grinder is very clogged, you can use both methods to get better results. Remember that rubbing alcohol is a denatured form of alcohol, so you should not consume it in any form. You must clean the rubbing alcohol properly before putting the weed grinder back.